Friday 17 May 2013

Prayer In Praise of Mary, Mother of God

Prayer In Praise of Mary

Prayer given by The Queen of Heaven, Mary the Mother of God to St. Bridget

Taken from the St. Bridget Prophecies and Revelations, Chapter 8

“I am the Queen of Heaven. You are concerned about how you should praise and honor me.  Know and be certain that all praise of my Son also is praise of me, and those who dishonor Him also dishonor me. This is so because I loved Him and He loved me so ardently that both of us were like one heart. He so magnificently honored me, who was an earthen vessel, that He raised me above all the angels.

Therefore, you should praise me like this:

Blessed be you, God, Creator of all things, who deigned to descend into the womb of the Virgin

Blessed be you, God, who wished to be within the Virgin Mary without burdening her, and deigned to take immaculate flesh from her without sin! 

Blessed be you, God, who came to the Virgin,
bringing joy to her soul and her whole body, and who went out of her without sin, to the joy of her whole body! 

Blessed be you, God, who after your heavenly ascension gladdened the Virgin Mary, your Mother, with continuous comforts and visited her with your consolation! 

Blessed be you, God, who assumed the body and soul of the Virgin Mary, your Mother, into heaven and honorably placed her above all the angels next to your Divinity! 

Have mercy on me for the sake of all her prayers!”

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Our Mother of Perpetual Help (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) Prayers

Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us!

Novena Prayer

Dear Mother of Perpetual Help * from the cross Jesus gave you to us for our Mother. You are the kindest the most loving * of all mothers. Look tenderly on us your children * as we now ask you to help us in all our needs * especially this one … (Pause to recall your petition). While you were on earth, dear Mother * you willingly shared in the sufferings of your Son. Strengthened by your faith and confidence * in the fatherly love of God * you accepted the mysterious designs of His will.

Prayer for the Home

Mother of Perpetual Help * we choose you as Queen of our homes. We ask you to bless all our families * with your tender motherly love. May the Sacrament of Marriage * bind husbands and wives so closely together * that they will always be faithful to each other * and love one another as Christ loves his Church.

We ask you to bless all parents. May they love and cherish the children * whom God has entrusted to them. May they always give them the example * of a truly Christian life. Help them to bring up their children * in the love and fear of God. Bless all children * that they may love, honor and obey * their fathers and mothers. To your loving care * we especially entrust the youth of today.

Give us all a sense of responsibility * that we may do our part * in making our home a haven of peace * like your own home at Nazareth. We take you as our model. Help us to grow daily in genuine love of God and neighbor * so that justice and peace may happily reign * in the entire family of mankind. Amen.

Petitions to our Mother of Perpetual Help

Holy Mary
* Pray for us.

Holy Virgin, conceived without sin
* Pray for us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help
* Pray for us.


(1st Wednesday of the month)

Immaculate Virgin Mary * Mother of God and Mother of the Church * you are also our Mother of Perpetual Help. With hearts full of love for you * we consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart * so that we may be your devoted children. Obtain for us true sorrow for our sins * and fidelity to the promises of our Baptism.

We consecrate our minds and hearts to you * that we may always do the will of our heavenly Father. We consecrate our lives to you * that we may love God better * and live not for ourselves but for Christ your Son * and that we may see him and serve him in others.

By this humble act of consecration * dear Mother of Perpetual Help * we pledge to model our lives on you * the perfect Christian * so that consecrated to you in life and in death * we may belong to your Divine Son for all eternity. Amen.

We sinners call to you

* Loving Mother, help us.

Thanksgiving Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ * truly present in the Most Blessed Eucharist * we adore you. It has pleased the Father * that in you all his fullness should dwell * and that through you * he should reconcile all things to himself. Grant us the grace to be truly grateful * for all that our Father has done for us. Grant that we may be truly sorry for our sins * and do penance for them.

Through you, we thank the Eternal Father for the gift of life. He has created all the wonderful things of this world for us. May we learn to use them well * so that through them * we may grow in love for Him.

Above all, we thank our Father * for sending you to us * as the greatest expression of his love * to save us and all creation * by your death and resurrection.

We thank you Lord * for giving us your own Mother to be our Mother of Perpetual Help. May the countless favours we have received through her intercession, * and especially through the Novena * inspire us to greater confidence in God’s loving mercy * and her perpetual help. Grant that we may always do the holy Will of God * and persevere in his love.

To the Most Holy Trinity * Father, Son and Holy Spirit * be honour, glory and thanksgiving forever and ever. Amen.

Silent Prayer (Pause)

Prayer for the Sick

Lord Jesus Christ * you bore our sufferings and carried our sorrows * in order to show us clearly * the value of human weakness and patience; * graciously hear our prayers for the sick. Grant that those who are weighed down * with pain and other afflictions of illness * may realize that they are among the chosen ones * whom you call blessed. Help them to understand * that they are united with you in your sufferings * for the salvation of the world. Amen.


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help and sought your intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I hasten to you. O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you, I come; before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, do not despise my petition, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

 Prayer for Financial Aid

Realizing, dear Mother, that you are our perpetual help, not only in spiritual but also in temporal necessities, we ask you to help us in our present financial worry. Because of unavoidable circumstances which have arisen in our lives, we are in great want and financial embarrassment, since we are unable to meet our honest debts. We are not asking, dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, for wealth, if the possession of it is not in accordance with the will of God; we merely ask you for that assistance which will help us to settle our present obligations. We believe, dear Mother of God, that you are extremely kind and generous to all your loving and devoted children. We plead with you, therefore, dear Mother, to obtain for us the help we so urgently need. We are trying so earnestly to solve our problem but we believe in your powerful intercession with Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son and our Redeemer. Amen.


Mary, my Mother, your love for us could not be greater or more powerful. You are rich in love and your power brings us relief. You want everyone to be saved. I beg you therefore, protect me in temptation and strengthen me when I weaken. I struggle daily to be faithful to Jesus your son. Help me my Mother at every moment. But above all take me by the hand when you see that I am weakening and about to fall. I will have to battle with temptation till the day I die. My Lady, you are my hope, my refuge, my strength; never let me lose the grace of God. In every temptation I resolve to turn to you at once and pray: Mary help me. (St. Alphonsus)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help... The Story

The Story of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The original wooden icon suspended in the altar measures 17" × 21" inches and is painted on hard nut wood with a gold leaf background.[3] The image depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary wearing a dress of dark red, representing the Passion of Jesus, with a blue mantle, representing her perpetual virginity, and cloaked veil, which represents her pure modesty. The icon shows Mary looking towards the faithful, while pointing at her son, Jesus Christ who is frightened by the instruments of crucifixion and is depicted with a fallen sandal.[4] On the left side is the Saint Archangel Michael, carrying the lance and sponge of the crucifixion of Jesus. On the right is the Saint Archangel Gabriel carrying a 3-bar cross used by Popes at the time and nails. The Virgin Mary has a star on her forehead, signifying her role as Star of the Sea while the cross on the side has been claimed as to the school which has produced this icon. The Byzantine depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art has three stars, one star each on the shoulder and one on the forehead. This type of icon is called Hodegetria composition, where Saint Mary is also pointing to her Son, known as a Theotokos of the Passion.[5]

The Greek inscriptions read MP-ΘΥ (Μήτηρ Θεοῦ, Mother of God), OAM (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ, Michael the Archangel), OAΓ (Ὁ Ἀρχάγγελος Γαβριήλ, Gabriel the Archangel) and IC-XC ( Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Jesus Christ ), respectively. 

The icon is painted with a gold background on a walnut panel which was probably painted in the islands of Crete, which at the time was then ruled by the Republic of Venice.[6] The Cretan School was the source of the many icons imported into Europe from the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance. The icon was cleaned and restored once in 1866 and again in the year 1940.

Some Roman Catholics believe the icon to be a true copy of the painting that according to legend was painted from the life by Saint Luke using the meal table of the Holy Family in Nazareth, and in Eastern Orthodox tradition was often identified with the Hodegetria icon,[4] and consider it to be a miraculous imprint of the Virgin Mary both in the Latins and Orthodox communities.

Look at the copy of the picture.  Frightened by the vision of two angels showing Him the instruments of the Passion, the Christ Child has run to His Mother, almost losing, in His haste, one of the tiny sandals. Mary holds Him in her arms reassuringly, lovingly. But notice her eyes. They look not at Jesus, but at us. Is this not a touch of genius? How better express Our Lady's plea to us to avoid sin and love her Son?  Christ's little Hands, too, are pressed into Mary's as a reminder to us that, just as on earth He placed Himself entirely in her hands for protection, so now in Heaven He has given into her hands all graces, to distribute to those who ask Her.  This is the principal message of the picture. A Byzantine icon, however, it is replete with other symbols. Here are some of them.

Star on Our Lady's veil. She is the Star Of the Sea . . . who brought the light of Christ to the darkened world . . . the star that leads us to the safe port of Heaven.

Greek Initials
for "Mother of God"
Reproduction of the original miraculous painting of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Rome
Golden Crown placed on the original picture by order of the Holy See in 1867 It is a token of the many miracles wrought by Our Lady invoked under the title of "Perpetual Help."
Greek Initial for St. Michael the Archangel " He is depicted holding the lance and gall-sop of Christ's Passion Greek Initial for "St. Gabriel the Archangel." He holds the Cross and the nails.
Mary's Mouth is small for silent recollection. She speaks little.

Mary's Eyes are large for all our troubles They are turned toward us always.
Red Tunic the color worn by virgins at the time of Christ.

Greek Initials
for "Jesus Christ."
Dark Blue Mantle the color worn by mothers in Palestine. Mary is both Virgin and Mother.

Mary's Left Hand
supporting Christ possessively: She is his Mother. It is a comforting hand for everyone who calls on Her.
Christ's Hands turned palms down into His Mother's indicate that the Graces of Redemption are in Her keeping

Falling Sandal
Perhaps, the symbol of a soul clinging to Christ by one last thread -- devotion to Mary.
The entire background is golden symbolic of Heaven where Jesus and Mary are now enthroned. The gold also shines through their clothing showing the heavenly joy. They can bring to tired human hearts.

The following poem puts in words many of these meanings of the icon of 
Our Mother of Perpetual Help:
        Madonna, in thy eastern shrine reposing,
        We crown thee Empress of the adopted West,
        And hail thee Mother, for redemption's closing
        Left thee to us in Jesus' last bequest.
        Perpetual Help! Upon the breast of mother,
        Omnipotence here lisps His childhood's fears,
        And thou dost soothe His terrors as no other
        But thou couldst do, and kiss away His tears.

        But even while thy Infant's fingers tremble
        Their fright within thy palms, while cherubim,
        Golgotha's grim precursors, here assemble
        With spectral cross and lance, 'tis not on Him
        But on us Cains, whose sins have slain our brother,
        Thy eyes gaze sadly from thy frame above;
        The wayward child is dearest to his mother,
        The prodigal e'er nearest to her love.

        Behold us, like the loosened sandal cleaving
        To Jesus' feet by but a single strap --
        Should that thong fail, be thou our hope receiving
        Thy fallen children in a mother's lap.

                       (Rev. John T. Feeney)

The Story of It's Journey through the Centuries...
In 1498, the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help was in a church on the island of Crete, in Greece.  The picture had been there for some time and was known to be miraculous.  One day a merchant from Crete stole the picture of Our Lady.  He hid the picture among his things, boarded a ship and set out to sea.  When a great storm arose the terrified sailors begged God and Our Lady to save them.  Their prayers were heard and they were saved from shipwreck.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help A year later, the merchant went to Rome with the picture.  There he got a disease and became terribly sick.  He asked his Roman friend to take care of him.  The merchant grew worse and realized that he would soon die.  He called on his friend and with tears in his eyes, begged his friend to do him one last favour.  When the Roman promised to do so, the weeping merchant continued, “Some time ago I stole a beautiful, miraculous picture of Our Lady from a church in Crete!  You will find it with my belongings.  I beg you, please place it in some church where the people will give it much honour.”  In time the merchant died.  The Roman found the picture and showed it to his wife.  She wanted to keep the picture, so she put it in her bedroom.

One day, the Blessed Virgin appeared to the Roman saying, “Do not keep this picture, but put it in some more honourable place.”  But the Roman did not do as Our Lady asked him and kept the picture.  Some time later Our Lady begged him a second time not to keep the picture, but to place it in a more honourable place.  Again, he did not do as Our Lady asked him to do.  

Then the Blessed Virgin appeared to the Roman’s six year old daughter, and told her to warn her mother and her grandfather saying, “Our Lady of Perpetual Help commands you to take her out of the house!”  

Finally, after many delays, the Virgin Mary appeared to the little girl a second time,  “Our Lady of Perpetual Help commands you to tell your mother, to place my picture between St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran, in the church dedicated to St. Matthew the Apostle!”  The mother did as she was told and sent for the Augustinian Fathers who were in charge of that church.  Then on that very day, March 27, 1499, the picture was taken to the church of St. Matthew the Apostle on the Esquiline Hill, one of the seven hills in Rome.  It was placed between two beautifully carved columns of black Carra marble above a splendid white-marble altar.
For three centuries from 1499 until 1798, the church of St. Matthew in Rome was one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in Rome, because of the miraculous picture.  Many pilgrims who came to the shrine: saints and sinners, Cardinals, Bishops and priests, kings and princes, rich and poor.  They came to see the miraculous picture of Our Lady and pray before it.

But this was not to last.  The French armies led by Napoleon Bonaparte, invaded the Papal States in 1796.  Rome was in danger of being attacked and taken over by the enemies.  By February 17, 1797, the Pope was forced to sign the Peace Treaty of Tolintino.  The Holy Father did not want to do this but he had to, in order to protect the Papal States from the enemy.  

A year after signing the Treaty, the French General Berthier marched into Rome and proclaimed the “Free Roman Republic.”  He lied, there was no freedom.  Then shortly after, Berthier was replaced by the French General Massena.  On June 3, 1798, General Massena commanded that thirty churches be destroyed!  One of them was St. Matthew’s!  He cried out, “There are too many churches in Rome. The church land can be used for better things!”  He wanted to make the people realize that worse things would happen if they did not obey his every command.  The terrified Romans prayed to Our Lady and she helped them in all their troubles. 

Because the Augustinian Monastery was destroyed, the monks were allowed to return to Ireland, their homeland.  A few returned but most of them stayed in Rome.  Some went to St. Augustine’s, the main church and monastery of the Augustinian Fathers.  The rest of the monks took the miraculous picture of Mary and moved to St. Eusebio’s, a poor old church with a huge monastery.  St. Eusebio’s was in terrible condition and needed much cleaning and repairing. 

The picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help stayed at St. Eusebio’s for twenty years.  Since the place was too large for the few monks who lived there, in 1819, the Pope asked the Jesuits to take over St. Eusebio’s.  The Holy Father gave the Augustinian’s the small church and monastery of Santa Maria, in Posterula, on the other side of the city.  The monks took the miraculous picture of Mary with them, and gave it a place of honour in the monastery chapel. 
In 1788, Augustine Orsetti joined the Augustinian Order at St. Matthew’s and became Br. Augustine.  As a young religious, he used to spend much of his free time praying before the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  He studied and memorized the history of the picture.
When St. Matthew’s was destroyed, Br. Augustine was transferred to St. Augustine’s.  Then in 1840, he was transferred to the Monastery of Santa Maria in Posterula.  When he arrived at Santa Maria he went to the community chapel.  There he saw the beautiful miraculous picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  It was just as he remembered it, when he had been at St. Matthew’s.

Br. Augustine looked after the sacristy at Santa Maria.  He cleaned the chapel and its holy images.  He also trained altar boys and taught them how to serve Mass.  Michael Marchi, one of the Altar boys, became a good friend of Br. Augustine.  The Brother often spoke to him about the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help saying, “Do you see that picture Michael?  It is a very old picture.  Know Michael, the Madonna from St. Matthew's is the one that hangs here in the chapel. I am not trying to deceive you. It certainly is. Have you understood, Michael? It was miraculously saved from destruction.  Many people used to come and pray before this miraculous picture.  Always remember what I am telling you.”

In 1854, the Redemptorists, founded by St Alphonsus Liguori, bought a piece of land in Rome, called the Villa Caserta, on the Esquiline Hill.  Also included with their property, was the old site of the church of St. Matthew, where the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help had been given great honour.

In 1855, Michael Marchi joined the Redemptorist Monastery.  On March 25, 1857, he made the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. He continued his studies and was ordained on October 2, 1859.  

One day when the community was at recreation, one priest mentioned that he had read some ancient books about a miraculous image of Our Lady and that it had been venerated in the old church of St. Matthew.  Fr. Michael Marchi spoke up, “I know about the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Its name is Our Mother of Perpetual Help and it can be found in the chapel of the Augustinian Fathers, at their monastery of Santa Maria in Posterula.   I saw it often during the years of 1850 and 1851 when I was a young college student and served Mass in their chapel."

On February 7, 1863, Fr. Francis Blosi, a Jesuit priest gave a sermon about the famous picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  He described the picture of Our Lady, and said, "I hope that someone in this crowd of faithful listening to me today, knows where this picture is!  If so, please tell that person who has kept the picture hidden for seventy years, that the Mother of God has commanded that this picture be placed between the Basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran. Hopefully the person will repent of his thoughtless act and will have the picture placed on the Esquiline Hill once again, so that all the faithful may honour it.”

Soon the Redemptorists at St. Alphonsus heard about Fr. Blosi's sermon.  Knowing that their church was located close to the site of the old St. Matthew's Church they hurried to bring the news to Fr. Mauron, Superior General of the Redemptorists.  Fr. Mauron was in no hurry.  He prayed for almost three years to know the Holy Will of God, in this important matter.  

Then on December 11, 1865, Fr. Mauron and Fr. Michael Marchi, obtained an audience with Blessed Pope Pius IX.  Eagerly, the two priests gave the Pope a detailed story of the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.  They pointed out that Our Lady had asked that the picture be placed in a church between the Basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran.  After listening to the story, the Pope asked if they had put this into writing. Fr. Mauron at once produced a document, which Fr. Marchi had written and signed under oath. 

The Holy Father had a great love for the Virgin Mary.  He immediately took the piece of paper on which Fr. Marchi had written his account.  With his own hand, Pope Pius IX wrote a statement on the backside of the document:
December 11, 1865 

The Cardinal prefect will call the Superior of the little community of Santa Maria in Posterula and will tell him it is Our will that the Image of the most holy Mary, of which this petition treats, be returned between St. John's and St. Mary Major's. However, the Superior of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer is obliged to substitute another suitable picture.
Pope Pius IX
The Pope had spoken and the case was closed. The Mother of Perpetual Help would soon be home after nearly seventy-five years in exile.  In the early morning of January 19, 1866 Fr Michael Marchi and Ernest Bresciani, hurried across the city of Rome to Santa Maria in Posterula, to get the holy picture. 

The Augustinians were sad to see their beloved Madonna go but they rejoiced that Our Lady would once again be honoured at the place where she desired.  The Augustinian monks wanted an exact copy made from the original. This was given to them shortly afterward. 

The Redemptorists at St. Alphonsus waited for Our Lady of Perpetual Help to arrive. They were so happy when the picture arrived.  But they found that although the colours were still bright, there were many big nail holes in the picture.  These were made when the picture was hung and for other reasons. 

A talented Polish artist, who lived in Rome, was asked to restore the picture.  The picture was finished toward the close of April.  Plans were made for a solemn procession.  The people of the neighbourhood decorated their houses for the feast. Loads of flowers and vines hung from windows. Banners and flags draped the walls and the roofs of the houses. 

On April 26, 1866, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, a great procession set out from the monastery of St. Alphonsus.  During the procession many miraculous events were reported. A poor mother sat by the bed of her four-year-old boy, who was at the point of death from a brain illness. He had suffered from a constant fever for the last three weeks. 

The mother heard the procession coming closer.  Suddenly she took the boy in her arms and held him at the open window.  When the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help passed by she cried out, “O good Mother, either cure my child or take him with you to Paradise!” Within a few days the boy was totally cured.  He went with his mother to the church of St. Alphonsus to light a candle of thanksgiving at the shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help In another house a little eight year old girl, lay crippled and helpless.  She had been this way since the age of four.  As the procession passed and the miraculous picture of Our Lady came near, the child’s mother offered her little daughter to the Blessed Virgin.  Suddenly the child felt a great change coming over her.  She partly recovered the use of her arms and legs.  On seeing this, the mother became very confident that Our Lady was helping her little girl.  The next day she took the child to the Church of St. Alphonsus and placed her in front of the miraculous picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.  Looking up at the picture she prayed, “Now, O Mary, finish the work which you have begun.”  She had just finished the words and suddenly the little girl stood up on her feet.  She was perfectly cured!

When the picture at last reached the Church of St. Alphonsus, it was placed on the high altar. The church was decorated and the altar was loaded with candles and huge amounts of flowers. A solemn prayer of thanksgiving was then sung and the Bishop had Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. 

Then Mary's homecoming was celebrated for three days.  Each morning Mass was celebrated before the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help by a Cardinal.  After the praying the Litany of Our Lady, a beautiful sermon, and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament was given by a Bishop. Similar services were held each evening. The Holy Father granted many special indulgences to all who attended these devotions. 

Father Bernard Bernie, one of the greatest Redemptorist preachers in Italy, preached the sermons for three days. His words of wisdom pierced the hearts of his listeners. At least twelve hundred persons received Communion during this time, at the shrine of Our Lady.  

Our Lady of Perpetual Help On May 5, 1866, the Pope made a personal visit to the shrine to see the picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help with his own eyes. After he had prayed for a time before the Blessed Sacrament and at the shrine of Our Lady, he entered the sanctuary and climbed the steps of the high altar to study the picture more closely. Later, Blessed Pope Pius IX questioned Fr. Mauron about the history and devotion given to this picture. 

Soon afterward, a new gothic styled, marble altar was set up at St. Alphonsus.  A space in the upper center of the altar was decorated with brilliant, golden trim.  When all was completed, Mary's picture was lovingly put in place. The first Mass was celebrated at the new shrine altar on March 19, 1871, the Feast of St. Joseph. The picture has remained there until this day.   

Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help spread rapidly.  Hardly a year had passed when on May 12, 1867; the Vatican gave the order for the picture to be crowned.  The coronation date was fixed.   On Sunday, June 23, 1867, the Church of St. Alphonsus was filled up for the solemn Mass and coronation ceremony.  After the Mass, while hymns were being sung, the Archbishop blessed two golden crowns with precious jewels.  He placed one crown upon Mary's head, the other upon the head of the Child Jesus and the picture was put back in its place and everyone sang a joyful hymn of praise. 

The next day, the picture was carried through the streets in procession. Each evening fireworks and thunderous cannons were set off to echo the praises of Mary. At the close of the week's celebration the name of Mary was spelled in brilliant light against the blue background of the sky. The people who had taken part in the ceremonies prayed with one voice, "Long live Mary. Long live devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help." 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Pray for Us
The End

Thank you to Eucharistic Crusade 2002 website for this wonderful article