Thursday 27 February 2014

Mary our Mother by St. Aelred

Mary our Mother

By St. Aelred, abbot

Let us come to his bride, his mother, his perfect handmaid, for the blessed Mary is all of this.

But what are we to do for her?  What kind of gifts show we offer her?  Would that we could at least return what we are in duty bound to do, for we owe her honor and service, we owe her love and praise.  We owe her honor, for she is the mother of our Lord. He who fails to honor the mother clearly dishonors the son.  Also, Scripture says: Honor your father and your mother.

What then, my brothers, shall we say?  Is she not our mother?  Yes, my brothers, she is indeed our mother, for through her we have been born, not for the world but for God.

Once we all lay in death, as you know and believe, in sin, in darkness, in misery.  In death, because we had lost the Lord; in sin, because of our corruption; in darkness, for we were without the light of wisdom, and thus had perished utterly.

But the we were born, far better than through Eve, through Mary the blessed, because Christ was born of her.  We have recovered new life in place of sin, immortality instead of mortality, light in place of darkness.

She is our mother—the mother of our life, the mother of our incarnation, the mother of our light.  As the Apostle says of our Lord, he became for us by God’s power our wisdom and justice, and holiness and redemption.

She then, as mother of Christ, is the mother of our wisdom and justice, of our holiness and redemption.  She is more our mother than the mother of our flesh.  Our birth from her is better, for from her is born our holiness, our wisdom, our justice, our sanctification, our redemption.

Praise the Lord in his holy ones, says the Scriptures.  If our Lord is to be praised in those holy ones through whom he brings to being deeds of power and miracles,  how much more is he to be praised in her in whom he fashioned himself, who is wonderful beyond all wonders.

Happy are you, holy Virgin Mary, and most worthy of all praise;
from your womb Christ the Sun of Justice has risen.
Through him we have salvation and deliverance.

Sermon taken from the Liturgy of the Hours

The Sin of the Century is the Loss of Sin

In 1946 Pope Pius XII visited the United States and addressed the United States Catechetical Congress held in Boston, 
with these words, 
 "The sin of the century is the  
loss of the sense of sin."

Ten years later a book was published by The Westminster Press entitled: "Situation Ethics: the new Morality" by Joseph Fletcher.  His theory "situational ethics" refuses to accept an absolute standard of morality...He is a  forefather of abortion, euthansia, eugenics, and cloning... in our culture today.   In other words, selfish motives are the trend of the day. (Joseph Fletcher's theory will be explained in separate article.)

Pope Pius XII's prophetic words are so true today in horrendous clarity... there is no conscience anymore--everything goes... AND if one stands up for what is morally right, we are shut down as bigots, moralists who want to 'control people'...moral decline is heralded as 'truth'... God is replaced by selfishness and the "ME".. What I want, what is good for ME...

You can't turn on television or the radio without being bombarded with sins of adultery, immoral behavior, lies, sexual perversity, disrespect...the list goes on.  Initiating our youth with their agenda of perverse lifestyles and immorality.  

When I was growing up the ideals of being sinless was in everyday life.  I was taught the 10 Commandments, how to respect others, the consequences of lying, of respecting your own body by how you present yourself to others (clothing or lack of)--not taking drugs etc..   The shows on television like "Leave it to Beaver" had moral values, maybe the actors themselves in their private life were not great examples, but shows were geared toward family values, respect for others, positive values and virtues that should truly be part of our lives.  (Now, I am ashamed with what is called 'entertainment'.)

By the 60's this all fell to complete gutter talk, actions and lifestyles... with sexual freedom coming to the forefront with the birth control pill--and then, as Pope Paul VI prophesied, the great sin of abortion.  

It was like the proverbial snowball gaining strength and momentum the further down the moral highway it goes --- leading to destruction -- hell is the outcome.  How many souls have been lost to hell?  Only God knows how many have found themselves in hell because of their loose morals and following the trend of 'anything goes.'  

Check the numbers of those contracting sexual diseases--even the seniors have gotten into the act (I guess they are the 1960 liberal reformers of anything goes)...

 A recent article on exposed that according to a recent New York Times  op-ed from Ezekiel J. Emanuel, studies find that STDs are rising in communities of single senior citizens.
A recent article on exposed that according to a recent New York Times  op-ed from Ezekiel J. Emanuel, studies find that STDs are rising in communities of single senior citizens. - See more at:
Chlamydia infections increased by 31 percent and syphilis infections increased by 52 percent for for Americans over the age of 65 during the years of 2007-2011. Those are basically the same statistics for Americans in their early 20s, says the report. - See more at:
"Chlamydia infections increased by 31 percent and syphilis infections increased by 52 percent for Americans over the age of 65 during the years of 2007-2011. Those are basically the same statistics for Americans in their early 20s, says the report. - See more at:

Chlamydia infections increased by 31 percent and syphilis infections increased by 52 percent for for Americans over the age of 65 during the years of 2007-2011. Those are basically the same statistics for Americans in their early 20s, says the report. - See more at:
Chlamydia infections increased by 31 percent and syphilis infections increased by 52 percent for for Americans over the age of 65 during the years of 2007-2011. Those are basically the same statistics for Americans in their early 20s, says the report. - See more at:

"The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish."

Did we know it would happen to the extent that it is today?  How many of us just said oh it will blow over... or, there is nothing we can do about it. We had been warned by many in the Church from Pope Pius XII, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and even now by Pope Francis. 

I myself am amazed and sick of heart and soul of what has been happening.. The latest -- the Miley Cyrus issue that was more than shocking, it was disgusting--and the sad thing is she is convinced that she has the right to show this filth to our youth!!!  

“To recommend political and economic panaceas for the world problem of dehumanized forgotten man, is like recommending face powder for jaundice, or an alcohol rub for cancer. It is not our bodies that are ill; the soul of civilization is sick. The world is in a state of moral sin and it needs absolution.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Cross and the Crisis)

It seems to be a runaway train that is heading for a bridge collapse. How can we stop this?  Can we?  

I don't want my grandchildren and future generations believing that immoral behavior is 'okay'.. I guess we all must fight this through our family teachings, through church and prayer.  Can we fight this and win?

What do you think? 

Check out this blog


Wednesday 26 February 2014

In Honor of Mary, Mother of God by St. Sophronius, Bishop

Through Mary the Father’s blessing 
has shone forth on mankind

A sermon by Saint Sophronius, bishop

Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you. What joy could surpass this, O Virgin Mother?  What grace can excel that which God has granted to you alone?  What could be imagined more dazzling or more delightful?  Before the miracle we witness to you, all else pales; all else is inferior when compared with the grace you have been given.  All else, even what is desirable, must take second place and enjoy a lesser importance.

The Lord is with you.  Who would dare challenge you?  You are God’s mother; who would not immediately defer to you and be glad to accord you a greater primacy and honor?  For this reason, when I look upon the privilege you have above all creatures, I extol you with the highest praise: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  On your account joy has not only graced men, but is also granted to the powers in heaven.

Truly, you are blessed among women.  For you have changed Eve’s curse into a blessing; and Adam, who hitherto lay under a curse, has been blessed because of you. 

Truly, you are blessed among women. Through you the Father’s blessing has shone forth on mankind, setting them free of their ancient curse.

Truly, you are blessed among women, because through you your forebears have found salvation. For you were to give birth to the Savior who was to win them salvation.

Truly, you are blessed among women, for without seed you have borne, as your fruit, him who bestows blessings on the whole world and redeems it from that curse that made it sprout thorns.

Truly, you are blessed among women, because, though a woman of nature, you will become, in reality, God’s mother.  If he whom you are to bear is truly God made flesh, then rightly do we call you God’s mother.  For you have truly given birth to God.

Enclosed within your womb is God himself.  He makes his abode in you and comes forth from you like a bridegroom, winning joy for all and bestowing God’s light on all.

You, O Virgin, are like a clear and shining sky, in which God has set his tent. From you he comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber.  Like a giant running his course, he will run the course of his life which will bring salvation for all who will ever live, and extending from the highest heavens to the end of them, it will fill all things with divine warmth and with life-giving brightness.