Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Holy Eucharist Adored

 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration

By Fr. Donald Arsenault
National Director Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Canada

We know that we are in a mess, in a great mess. (Read Psalm 12).  The Church and society are in a serious crisis.  We would have to be blind not to see it.  When sin is publicly advertised as normal and correct and millions of abortions are performed each year, something has gone radically wrong.  How did we ever get into this mess?

To me the answer is very clear and plain:  we have put God aside to turn ourselves towards gods and idols of our own making—materialistic things, pleasures, the cult of the body, thirst for money, addiction to TV etc.  These things have become gods and idols to many.  And then we wonder why we are in such a mess.

Because we have repeated 
the Old Testament infidelities, 
and worship idols made with our own hands, 
we are in trouble, serious trouble.

Who is going to save our troubled world?
The Saviour of the World!

Only Jesus can bring true peace to the world, only God can redirect the course of world history back to the path of peace.
(“Turn to Me and be safe, all you ends of the earth.  For I AM God; there is no other.” Isaiah 45:22)

Where is Our God?
Where is Our God where is Our Saviour, Jesus Christ?

“Jesus is in Heaven for the elect and in the tabernacle for us pilgrims”  St. Peter Julian Eymard, Saint of the Eucharist – tells us.
As we are not yet in Heaven; 

the only place here on earth where we can be physically present with the bodily presence of Jesus, is before The Real presence of Jesus, is before The Real Presence either at Mass or reserved in the tabernacle. 

The loss of the sense of the Real Presence is widespread in the church today, and many do not realize that this CENTRAL TRUTH OF OUR FAITH is under much attack.

For sure God is everywhere, but He is present in the Blessed Sacrament in a way that is unique, with His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, with His Beating Heart.  Here He is present as Christ in The Sacred Host is called THE REAL PRESENCE.  

Are we aware -- do we realize, 
that the One who created 
the heavens, earth, and waters 
and everything that dwells in it,
 is present among us?

He is available to everyone at any moment day or night.  Is it not wonderful that we should have Our God so close to us as He is?

He is available in the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is what distinguishes us from the Protestants, what makes us Catholic.  This is the belief that countless martyrs have given their life for.

“Cry out and shout with joy. O Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Isreal! (Isaiah 12:6)

(An Hour of Amighty Power)

“Every Holy Hour draws the world and everybody in the world closer to Christ and lifts the whole world up to God for His blessing."

When we go before The Blessed Sacrament we stand in behalf of that one person in the world in most need of God’s Mercy, and we bring down upon their soul the Precious Blood of The Lamb, so that they go to Heaven to be with God for all eternity.

By our Holy Hours of Prayer 
we will contribute 
to the radical transformation of the world.  

Those who go before the Blessed Sacrament 
touch the Heart of Jesus with their faith 
and release His Power, 
His Healing Love, 
His Graces and 
Blessing upon the whole world.”

Matthew 9:20  
The woman who touched Jesus’ garment in faith.

Mother Teresa in Adoration of Blessed Sacrament
Mother Teresa said, “The best act we can perform at present, s to spend at least one hour a week before the exposed Blessed Sacrament.”  She adds, “You cannot be Jesus to someone unless you spend time with Jesus.  You cannot see Jesus in others unless you see Him in the Sacrament of Love.”

Jesus needs generous souls to love Him and console Him for the many sins and crimes committed in the world.
The hour you spend
with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament  
is very precious to Him, 
and makes reparation 
for innumerable sins.  
He needs this gift of your hour 
to save souls.

Night Hours:

Every hour is blessed, but those which involve the most sacrifice are the most blessed.  Sacrifice is the language of love.  The first Holy Hour took place during the middle of the night, when Christ made the sad complaint to Peter, James and John: “So, could you not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40)

The Apostles were tired and sleepy but it was at that time Jesus needed the consolation of their presence. 

Even though ou may find it difficult to get up in the middle of the night, Jesus is addressing to you the very same invitation that he addressed to His Apostles.

He saw all those, 
down through the ages, 
who would keep watch with Him 
for one Hour, 
Jesus saw you.   

He saw your generosity, 
your sacrifice 
and the love 
that you show Him, 
and it was this 
that consoled Him 
in His Agony.

Personal Benefits:

You will experience a peace of heart that the world cannot give, a peace that only Jesus can give you.  In our noisy and agitated world there is a great need to experience this peace.  It will give you strength to face the difficulties of life and the courage to take up your cross daily.

At Jesus' feet
You will discover the love that 
Jesus has for you personally.
 It is at the feet of Jesus 
that you will experience 
in a real way, 
that Jesus loves you 
for who you are, 
despite your sins and your miseries.  
There you will find out
 that you are not alone 
in your loneliness.
When you feel lonely, 
Jesus will reveal to you 
the only real loneliness 
is to be without Him.

Do you remember the second question of the catechism?
Why did God create us?

God created us to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him and be happy with Him for all eternity.  In other words the feeling of loneliness is an unconscious desire to be with God, from whom we came.
 This is the Meaning of Life.

Excerpts from St. Pope John Paul’s letter to the Laity (Christifideles Lacici) Dec. 1988

St. Pope John Paul II with Monstrance
“To all the people today,
 I once again repeat the 
impassionate cry with 
which I began my ministry:

Do not be afraid,
 open, indeed, 
open wide the doors to Christ!!!

Open to His saving power, 
because the Voice of Christ 
is giving each of us 
an especially urgent invitation 
at this moment to come closer to Him every day.

Perpetual Adoration is opening wide the doors to Christ, and to His saving power so that we may come closer to Him every day, since Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament actually brings about the intimate bonds of union among all the faithful in Christ.

Again we turn to the words of Jesus:
“I am the Vine, your are the branches, Abide in Me.”

Upon all the faithful then, rests the exalted duty of working to assure that each day the Divine Plan of Salvation is further extended to every person in every part of the world.

Since Evangelization for the Eucharist, in the Eucharist and from the Eucharist, is how the Church lives the mystery of Christ and fulfills its mission to all men.  

Church Fathers in Adoration of the Holy Eucharist

The mission of the Church, 
therefore is to bring all men to the Eucharist.

Thus, in organizing Perpetual Adoration, every conversation, knock on a door, or telephone call is the work of Evangelization, fulfilling the mission of the Church to bring all men to the Eucharist.

Therefore, with humility and trust, 
I beg and implore you, 
allow Christ to speak to you.

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.”  John 15:16

In this great moment in history God calls me and sends me forth as a laborer in His vineyard, to work for Perpetual Adoration in the parish.  In doing so, He calls me and sends me forth to work for the coming of His Kingdom in history.”

“Be not afraid” 
(365 times in the Bible)

“Behold!  I AM with you always, even to the end of the world.” 
(Matthew 28:20)


I humbly kneel before You, O My God, present on the altar.  I thank You for inviting me into Your House Lord, it is good to be here!  During this visit, O My Saviour, I want to isolate myself with You thinking of no one but You, with my mind and senses silent, contact with the world of business and war and community troubles severed, not solicitous for anything, high or low, far or near.  

Alone with You, 
O My God, 
let me honour You 
with all my heart and mind, 
and with my body too.

I’m on my knees… Let me realize that!

I’m on my knees because I believe in the reality of Your Presence on this altar.  I believe, You are My God and my all.  I am a creature and I’m on my knees to acknowledge it.  I want to show outwardly that I belong to You; that I owe You worship, adoration, submission.

My hands are folded…in supplication
I need your help.
I need to relax.
I need calm, rest, light, peace, courage, forgiveness.  From You, O Lord, I can expect these things because You said: “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7, Mt 21:22, Luke 11:9)

My hands are folded 
because You are my Saviour, 
my only hope, 
my harbour of protection, 
my haven of peace.

Save me Lord!
Save me, O Lord
When I am tempted.
When I have sinned.
When I am tired of the struggle.
When I am hurt, and misunderstood.
When I am out of work and the house is
Cold and the debts are many and the money
Is scarce.
When my family troubles engulf me.
Save me, then, from discouragement, and
Above all, from rancor and bitterness.

My eyes look up to You…
With confidence, with filial trust because You said, 

“Come to Me, All you who labour 
and are heavily burdened, 
and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28)

I come, O Lord,
As one sick to his physician,
As one poor and needy to the Lord of
Heaven and earth.
Deign to cure my sickness.
To clothe my nakedness.
To You I come for mercy.
To You I uncover my wounds.
To You I bare my shame.
Erase all the evil of sin from my soul, and
Banish all evil desires from my heart.

Grant that I may see in all things…
In good and in ill health.
In joy and sorrow.
In the thorn and in the rose.
Grant that I may see the value of suffering.
How it tries my virtue.
How it molds my character.
How it checks the fire of temptation.
How it makes me conscious of my weakness.
How it leads to an eternal reward.

Grant, O Dearest Jesus, that I may walk,
Walk and not falter, walk and not give up when I am weary.
Grant me, O Lord, the grace to accept with patience 
the monotony of daily tasks, to embrace with
Resignation the fatigue and exhaustion 
of days too long and too full for my physical strength.
Grant me the ability to relax and be calm 
in the thought of Your Love, 
to find rest in the assurance that 
You are with me and in me.

(Reprinted from the sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament)