Tuesday 15 March 2016

Prayer to the Virgin Most Powerful

Virgin Most Powerful

Virgin most powerful, loving helper of the Christian people, how great is the thanks we owe thee for the assistance thou hast given our fathers who invoked thy maternal help by the devout recitation of thy Rosary when they were threatened by the Turkish infidels. From Heaven thou didst see their deadly peril. Thou didst hear their voices imploring thy compassion. Their humble prayers, enjoined by the great Pope, Saint Pius V, were acceptable to thee, and thou camest quickly to deliver them.

Grant, Dear Mother, that in like manner the prolonged sighs of the Holy Bride of Christ in these our days may reach thy throne and win thy pity. Be moved to compassion and rise once again to deliver her from the many foes who surround her on every side.

Even now from the four quarters of the earth there arises to thy throne the prayer of the Rosary, to beg thy mercy in these troubled times. Unfortunately our sins hinder, or at least retard their effect. Wherefore, Dear Mother, obtain for us true sorrow for our sins and a firm resolution to face death itself rather than return to our former sins. It grieves us that through our own fault, thy help which we need so desperately, should be denied or come too late.

Turn to us, O Mary, and graciously listen to the prayers of the whole Catholic World: conquer the pride of those wicked men, who in their insolence blaspheme Almighty God and would destroy His Church, against which, according to the infallible words of Christ, the gates of Hell shall never prevail. Let it be seen once more that when thou doth arise to protect the Church, her victory is sure. 


Friday 11 March 2016

Divine Mercy Jesus speaks

(St. Faustina) In the evening , when I was in my cell, I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment.  One hand [was] raised in the gesture of blessing, the other was touching the garment at the breast.  From beneath the garment, slightly drawn aside at the breast, there were emanating two large rays, one red, the other pale.  

In silence I kept my gaze fixed on the Lord; my soul was struck with awe, but also with great joy.  After a while, Jesus said to me,

"Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: 

"Jesus, I trust in You." 

I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and then throughout the world.

I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. 

I also promise victory over [its] Enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death, I Myself will defend it as My own glory…

I desire that there be a 
Feast of Mercy.  

I want this image, which you will paint with a brush, to be solemnly blessed on 

the first Sunday after Easter; 

that Sunday to be the Feast of Mercy……

I desire that priests proclaim this great mercy of Mine towards souls of sinners.  

Let the sinner not be afraid to approach Me.  The flames of mercy are burning Me – clamoring Me to be spent; I want to pour them out upon these souls.

… Distrust on the part of souls is tearing at My insides.  The distrust of a chosen soul causes Me even greater pain; despite My inexhaustible love for them they do not trust Me.  

Even My death is not enough for them.  

Woe to the soul that abuses these [gifts]."

Diary of St. Faustina, 47, 48, 49, 50

My daughter, tell the world about My inconceivable mercy, 
shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners.  

On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open.  

I pour out a whole ocean of graces 
upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy.  

The soul that will go to Confession 
and receive Holy Communion shall obtain 
complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.  

On that day all the divine floodgates through 
which graces flow are opened.  

Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, 
even though its sins be as scarlet.  

My mercy is so great that no mind, 
be it of man or of angel, 
will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.  

Everything that exists has come forth 
from the very depths of My most tender mercy.  

Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate 
My love and mercy throughout eternity.  

The Feast of Mercy emerged from 
My very depths of tenderness.  

It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated 
on the first Sunday after Easter.  

Mankind will not have peace 
until it runs to the Fount of My Mercy.  

Diary of St. Faustina, 699

Prayer To Jesus Abandoned

He's Abandoned In the Blessed Sacrament

With Mary Immaculate, let us adore, thank, implore and console, the Most Beloved and Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

O Divine Jesus, lonely tonight in so many Tabernacles, without visitor or worshipper I offer Thee my poor Heart.  May its every throb be an act of love for Thee.  

Thou are always watching beneath the Sacramental Veils; in Thy Love Thou dost never sleep and Thou art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners.  

O lonely Jesus, may the flame of my heart burn and beam always in company with Thee.

O Sacrament Most Holy, 
O Sacrament Divine, 
All praise and all thanksgiving 
be every moment Thine!

Could you not spend one hour with Me?

Matthew 26:40

Prayer To Our Lord on the Cross

Grunewald Crucifixion

My Crucified Jesus, mercifully accept the prayer which I now make to Thee for help in the moment of my death, when at its approach all my senses shall fail me.

When, therefore, O sweetest Jesus, my weary and downcast eyes can no longer look up to Thee, be mindful of the loving gaze which I now turn on Thee, and have mercy on me.

When my parched lips can no longer kiss Thy most Sacred Wounds, remember then those kisses which now I imprint on Thee, and have mercy on me.

When my cold hands can no longer embrace Thy Cross, forget not the affection with which I embrace it now, and have mercy on me.
And when, at length, my swollen and lifeless tongue can no longer speak, remember that I called upon Thee now.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, to you I commend my soul.


Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds 
of our Lord Jesus Christ 
to heal the wounds of our souls.

Devotion in Honor of the Five Holy Wounds

As I kneel before Thee on the Cross, most loving Savior of my soul, my conscience tells me it is I who have nailed Thee to that Cross with these hands of mine, as often as I have fallen into mortal sin, wearying Thee with my monstrous ingratitude.

My God, my chief and most perfect Good, worthy of all my love, seeing Thou hast every loaded me with blessings, I cannot now undo my misdeeds, as I would most willingly, but I can and will loath them, grieving greatly for having offended Thee Who art infinite Goodness.  And now, kneeling at Thy feet, I will try at least to compassionate Thee, to give Thee thanks, to ask of Thee pardon and contrition.  Wherefore, with heart ad lips I say:

To the Wound of the Left Foot

Holy Wound of the Left Foot of my Jesus, I adore Thee!  I compassionate Thee, O my Jesus, for that most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer.  I thank Thee for the love whereby Thou wast wearied in overtaking me on the way to ruin, and didst bleed amid the thorns and brambles of my sins.  I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most sacred humanity, in atonement for my sins, all of which I detest with sincere and bitter contrition.

To the Wound of the Right Foot

Holy Wound of the Right Foot of Jesus, I adore Thee!  I compassionate Thee, O my Jesus, for that most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer.  I thank Thee for the love which pierced Thee with such torture and shedding of blood in order to punish my wanderings and the guilty pleasures I have granted to my passions.  I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most sacred humanity, and I pray unto Him for grace to weep over my transgressions with burning tears, and to enable me to persevere in the good which I have begun, without ever swerving again from my obedience to the commandments of my God.

To the Wound of the Left Hand

Holy Wound of the Left Hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee!  I compassionate Thee, O my Jesus, for that most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer, I thank Thee for having, in Thy love, spared me the scourges and eternal damnation which my sins have merited.  I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most sacred humanity, and I pray Him to teach me how to turn to good account my span of life, and bring forth in it worthy fruits of penance, and so disarm the angry justice of my God.

To the Wound of the Right Hand

Holy Wound of the Right Hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee!  I compassionate Thee, O my Jesus, for that most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer.  I thank Thee for Thy graces lavished on me with such love, in spite of all my miserable obstancy.  I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most sacred humanity , and  I pray Him to change my heart and its affections, and make me do all my actions in accordance with the will of God.

To the Wound of Sacred Side

Holy Wound in the Side of my Jesus, I adore Thee!  I compassionate Thee, O my Jesus, for the cruel insult Thou didst suffer.  I thank Thee, my Jesus, for the love which suffered Thy Side and Heart to be pierced, that the last drops of blood and water might issue forth, make my redemption to abound.  I offer to the Eternal Father this outrage, and the love of Thy most sacred humanity, that my soul may enter once for all into that most loving Heart, eager and ready to receive the greatest sinners, and from it may never more depart.

Sacred Heart of my Jesus, 
grant that I may ever love Thee more and more.

Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory, Prayer for Those in Their Last Agony

Christ's Mercy for the Souls in Purgatory

Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Have Mercy of gentle Jesus on the souls detained in purgatory.  Thou Who for their ransom didst take upon Thyself our human nature and suffer the most cruel death, pity their sighs and tears shed when they raise their longing eyes toward Thee; and by virtue of Thy Passion, cancel the penalty due to their sins.  May Thy Blood, O tender Jesus, Thy Precious Blood, descend into purgatory to solace and refresh those who there languish in captivity.  Reach forth Thy hand to them, and lead them into the realms of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.

During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass souls in Purgatory are refreshed by the Blood of Christ

Prayer for Those in Their Last Agony

O Most Merciful Jesus, Lover of Souls: I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy Most Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of Thy Immaculate Mother, cleanse in Thy Blood the sinners of the whole world who are now in their agony and are to die this day.

Heart of Jesus Agonizing, have mercy on the dying.

Friday 4 March 2016

Veneration of the Thorn-Crowned Head of the Savior

Thorn-Crowned Head of the Savior

And platting a crown of thorns, they put it upon His Head.  They began to spit upon Him, and they gave Him blows.  Others smote His face and said: ‘Prophesy, who it is that struck Thee?’

O Holy Redeemer!  Thou art clothed with a scarlet cloak, a reed is placed in Thy hands for a sceptre, and the sharp points of a thorny crown are pressed into Thy adorable head.

My soul, thou canst never conceive the sufferings, the insults and indignities offered to our Blessed Lord during this scene of pain and mockery.

I therefore salute Thee and offer Thee supreme homage as King of heaven and earth, the Redeemer of the world, the Eternal Son of the living God.

O my afflicted Savior!  O King of the world, Thou art ridiculed as a mock king.  I believe in Thee and adore Thee as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, as the supreme Ruler of heaven and earth.

O Jesus! I devoutly venerate Thy sacred head pierced with thorns, struck with a reed, over-whelmed  with pain and derision.

I adore the Precious Blood flowing from Thy bleeding wounds.  To Thee be all praise, all thanksgiving and all love forevermore.

O meek Lamb, Victim for sin! May Thy thorns penetrate my heart with fervent love, that I may never cease to adore Thee as my God, my King and my Savior.

Behold, O God, our Protector,

And look upon the face of Thy Christ.

Let us pray: 

O my beloved Savior, at sight of Thy most holy face disfigured by suffering, at sight of Thy Sacred Heart so full of love, I cry out with St. Augustine:  “Lord Jesus, imprint on my heart Thy sacred wounds, so that I may read therein sorrow and love:  sorrow, to endure every for Thee; love, to despise every love for Thee.”


We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee, because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

Taken from the book – Hour of Reparation, copyright 1945

Holy Eucharist Prayer

Jesus in the Holy Sacrament -- We adore You

To Jesus Abandoned

With Mary Immaculate, let us adore, thank, implore and console, the Most Beloved and Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

O Divine Jesus, lonely tonight in so many Tabernacles, without visitor or worshiper I offer Thee my poor heart.  

May its every throb be an act of love for Thee.  

Thou art always watching beneath the Sacramental Veils; in Thy Love Thou dost never sleep and Thou art never weary of Thy vigil for sinners.  

O lonely Jesus, may the flame of my heart burn and beam always in company with Thee.

O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving 

Be every moment Thine!

Taken from the book – Hour of Reparation, copyright 1945

Act of Reparation

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Save Us!

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, animated with a desire to repair the outrages unceasingly offered to Thee, we prostrate before Thy Throne of mercy, and in the name of all mankind, pledge our love and fidelity to Thee!

The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus!

The more impiety endeavors to extinguish our hopes of immortality, the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole hope of mankind!

The more hearts resist Thy Divine attractions the more we shall trust in Thy Heart, sole hope of mankind!

The more unbelief attacks Thy Divinity, the more humbly and profoundly we shall adore It, O Divine Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most holy Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most liberal Heart of Jesus!

The more the imitation of Thy virtues is neglected and forgotten, the more we shall endeavor to practice them, O Heart, model of every virtue!

The more the devil labors to destroy souls, the more we shall be inflamed with desire to save them, O Heart of Jesus, zealous Lover of souls!

The more sin and impurity destroy the image of God in man, the more we shall try by purity of life to be a living temple of the Holy Spirit, O Heart of Jesus!

The more Thy Holy Church is despised, the more we shall endeavor to be her faithful children, O Sweet Heart of Jesus!
The more Thy Vicar on earth is persecuted, the more will we honor him as the infallible head of Thy Holy Church, show our fidelity and pray for him, O kingly Heart of Jesus!

O Sacred Heart, through Thy powerful grace, may we become Thy apostles in the midst of a corrupted world, and be Thy crown in the kingdom of heaven.


Taken from the book – Holy Hour of Reparation, copyright 1945

Consecration of the Human Race

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of the Human Race 
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ordered by His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, December 11, 1925 
For One Fold and One Shepherd

Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thee.  We are Thine and Thine we wish to be; each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart.

Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee.

Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. 

Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee.  Grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house lest they die in wretchedness and hunger.

Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound, from pole to pole  with one cry:  

Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; 
to It be glory and honor  forever!!


Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
Thy Kingdom Come!

Taken from the book – Holy Hour of Reparation, copyright 1945
Christ the King

Prayer to Christ the King

O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge Thee King of the Universe.  
All that has been made has been created for Thee.  

Make full use of Thy rights over me.  

I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works, and I promise to live a good Christian life: and especially I undertake to help, to the extent of my means, to secure the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church.

Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my efforts to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred Royalty, and that so the Kingdom of Thy peace may be established throughout the entire universe.  


Jesus, King and Center of all hearts, through the advent of Thy Kingdom, grant us peace.

From the book - Holy Hour of Reparation, copyright 1945

Thursday 3 March 2016

Our Lady of Good Counsel Prophecies Pertaining to TODAY

Our Lady of Good Success
Prophecies for our Times

In the 1500-1600s Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Quito, Ecuador to a Spanish nun, Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres y Berriochoa, giving grave prophecies that pertain to our present age.  These prophecies are now reality!  

Read and weep, 
we are living in such a time as this…. 

Pray as you have never prayed before 
and cooperate with God 
by learning the Truth of our Faith.  

God is being defied and rejected.  
We must counter with 
God’s Truth – Catholic Truth 
that is the Only Truth without it there is no salvation.

Our Lady of Good Success says:

“At the end of the nineteenth century 
and throughout a great part of 
the twentieth, 
many heresies will be propagated 
in these lands.…

“Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through 
the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to insure general corruption.

“Unhappy, the children 
of those times! 
Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. 
As for the sacrament of Penance, 
they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, 

which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons in authority.

Sacrilegious Mass in Catholic church!!!
“The same will occur with Holy Communion. Oh, how it hurts me to tell you that there will be many and enormous public and hidden sacrileges!

“In those times, the sacrament of Extreme Unction will be largely ignored.… Many will die without receiving it, being thereby deprived of innumerable graces, consolation, and strength in the great leap from time to eternity.

“The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. 

Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament. They will make it easy for all to live in sin, thus multiplying the birth of illegitimate children without the Church’s blessing….

The Lie & the Law taught -- No God but this one
“Secular education will contribute to a scarcity of priestly and religious vocations.”

“The holy sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed, and despised, for in this both the Church and God Himself are oppressed and reviled, since He is represented by His priests.

“The devil will work to persecute 
the ministers of the Lord 
in every way, working with 
baneful cunning to destroy 
the spirit of their vocation 
and corrupting many. 

Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Roman Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 

This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church...and to the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God Our Lord, asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is King and Father.”

“Unhappy times will come 
wherein those who should 
fearlessly defend 
the rights of the Church 
will instead, blinded despite 
the light, give their hand 
to the Church’s enemies and do their bidding. 

Cardinal Dolan and  Gay Rights

But when [evil] seems triumphant and when authority abuses its power, committing all manner of injustice and oppressing the weak, their ruin shall be near...

They will fall and crash to the ground.

Coptic Christians beheaded

“The small number of souls 
who will secretly safeguard 
the treasure of Faith 
and virtues will suffer a cruel, 
unspeakable, and long martyrdom. 

Many will descend to their graves 
through the violence of suffering 
and will be counted among 
the martyrs who sacrificed themselves 
for the country and the Church.

“In those times the atmosphere will be saturated with the spirit of impurity which, like a filthy sea, will engulf the streets and public places with incredible license.… Innocence will scarcely be found in children, or modesty in women.

Shameful Immodesty

“There shall be scarcely any virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity will seek refuge in the cloisters.

Without virginity, fire from heaven 
will be needed to purify these lands.…

“Sects, having permeated all social classes, 
will find ways of introducing themselves 
into the very heart of homes 
to corrupt the innocence of children. 

The children’s hearts will be dainty morsels 
to regale the devil.… 
(television, movies, secular world)

“Religious communities will remain to sustain the Church and work with courage for the salvation of souls.… 

The secular clergy will fall far short 
of what is expected of them 
because they will not pursue 
their sacred duty. 
Losing the divine compass, 
they will stray from the way 
of priestly ministry mapped 
out for them by God 
and will become devoted to money, 
seeking it too earnestly.

Pope Francis speaks on environment but not on the Sexual Corruption of the world

“He who should speak seasonably 
will remain silent.

Put on the Armour of God
“To be delivered from the slavery 
of these heresies, those whom the merciful love of my Son has destined 
for this restoration 
will need great will-power, perseverance, courage, and confidence in God. 

To try the faith and trust of these just ones, 
there will be times 
when all will seem lost and paralyzed. 
It will then be the happy beginning of the complete restoration….

Eucharistic Lord

“Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching the Eucharistic Heart of my most holy Son to take pity on His ministers and to end as soon as possible these unhappy times by sending to His Church the Prelate who shall restore the spirit of her priests.”

Church Triumphant

“Then will the Church, 
joyful and triumphant like a young girl, reawaken and be comfortably 
cradled in the arms 
of My Most Dear and elect Son 
of those times. 
If he lends an ear 
to the inspirations of grace–
one of which will be the reading 
of these great mercies that my Son 
and I have had toward you–
we shall fill him with graces
 and very special gifts 
and will make him great on earth 
and much greater in Heaven. 
There we have reserved 
a precious seat for him 
because, heedless of men, 
he will have fought for truth 
and ceaselessly defended the rights of the Church, deserving to be called ‘martyr.’”