CoronaVirus: DEFINITION OF The Divine Interdict

What is happening to the Church and the world under this spreading of the China Virus is looking a lot like a heaven imposed interdict... a Divine Interdict. Fr. John Hardon defines an interdict as follows: INTERDICT. A censure forbidding the faithful, while still remaining in communion with the Church, the use of certain sacred privileges, such as Christian burial, some of the sacraments, and attendance at liturgical services. It does not exclude from Church membership, nor does it necessarily imply a personal fault of any individual affected by the interdict. When imposed for a fixed period, it is a vindictive penalty because of some grave act done against the common good of the Church by one or more parishes. Usual religious services are curtailed, but sacraments may be given to the dying, marriages celebrated, and Holy Communion administered if the interdict is general or local (not personal). A general interdict may be inflicted only by the Holy See. Parishes or persons may be interdicted only by the local ordinary.

For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

Prayer for Mercy of Coronavirus

Prayer For The Outbreak Of Diseases

Heavenly Lord and Creator of all things, have mercy on us your people, for we have strayed from the path which You have given us. 

Forgive our many offenses and grant us your mercies.

We come to you today with tears of repentance and ask for your protection from the terrible disease that threatens us.

We have sinned, Oh Lord, and we have disobeyed your Commandments, but we besiege your mercy and compassion; have mercy on your servants, on the elderly and the children; have mercy on us all, and keep away from us the terrible diseases and viruses which have appeared in our days.

Send your holy angels, Oh Lord, to disperse every disease and calamity and keep us safe and healthy that we may worship and glorify your Most Holy Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the intercessions of the Holy Theotokos (Mary Mother of God) and of all your Saints.