Friday 27 July 2012

Profound Quotes from the Saints


Ignorance of scripture
 is ignorance of Christ
St. Jerome

Not 100 in the 
United States 
hate the 
Roman Catholic Church, 
but millions hate 
what they mistakenly 
think the 
Roman Catholic 
Church is. 
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen


Those who commit 
these types of scandals
 are guilty of the 
spiritual equivalent 
of murder,
 but I'm here among you 
to prevent something 
far worst for you. 
While those 
who give scandal
 are guilty of the spiritual 
equivalent of murder, 
those who take scandal- 
who allow scandals to destroy faith- 
are guilty of spiritual suicide. 
St. Francis de Sales



The proof of love
 is in the works. 
Where love exists, 
it works great things. 
But when it ceases to act, 
it ceases to exist. 
Pope St. Gregory the Great

Few souls 
what God would accomplish in them 
if they were to 
abandon themselves
unreservedly to Him 
and if they were 
to allow His grace
to mold them accordingly. 
St. Ignatius Loyola


It is better to say one 
Our Father
 fervently and devoutly 
than a thousand 
with no devotion 
and full of distraction. 
St. Edmund

If there be a true way 
that leads to the Everlasting Kingdom, 
it is most certainly that 
of suffering, patiently endured. 
St. Colette

At the end of our life, 
we shall all be judged 
by charity. 
St. John of the Cross

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