Saturday 20 October 2012

Divine Mercy Image St.Faustina's Prayer and a Promise


    Jesus I Trust in You

Original painting on the LEFT painted under the direction of Saint Faustina--the right image is the painting recently restored

St. Faustina's Prayer for the Image

"O Eternal Love, You command 
Your Sacred Image to be painted
And reveal to us 
the inconceivable fount of Mercy,
You bless whoever approaches Your rays,
And a soul all black will turn into snow.

O sweet Jesus, it is here 
You established the throne of Your Mercy
To bring joy and hope to sinful man.
From your open Heart as from a pure fount,
Flows comfort to a repentant heart and soul.

May praise and glory for this Image
Never cease to stream from man's soul.

May praise for God's Mercy 
pour from every heart,
Now, and at every hour, and forever and ever."

Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 
Notebook One, number one

In the mid 1990's it was discovered, by accident, that the face on the original Image of Divine Mercy perfectly matched the one on the Holy Shroud of Turin.

A Promise was made by Christ

Before St. Faustina was told by her spiritual director to keep a diary of her spiritual experiences, she used to record the experiences  on pieces of paper and give them to him. On one of those papers was found a promise made by  Jesus...

"I will save those cities and houses 
in which this Image will be found."   

He also said: 

"I will likewise protect the persons who will honor and trust in My Mercy."   

To understand the true depth of what this Image is all about, you may order the "Oceans of Mercy Retreat" DVD, produced here at Mercy Films, Inc., in association with the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy. On the DVD there is an 80-minute conference on the Image given by Father Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, former vice-postulator for the cause of St. Faustina. (All together there are over 5 hours of in-depth conferences on every major aspect of this message given to St. Faustina). Please take advantage of this information and learn all you can about what this message really means. 

Excerpts taken from

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