Sunday 23 December 2012

The World Cries -- We do not care what comes after this

"The World Cries,
we do not care
what comes after this!"
Our Lord's words to
St. Bridget of Sweden,
Prophesies and Revelations

Chapter 44

“I am the Creator and Lord of all things. I created the world and the world despises me.   I hear a voice from the world like that of a bumblebee who gathers honey on the earth.   For when a bumblebee is flying and begins to land on the ground, it emits a very raspy voice.   
I now hear this raspy and ignorant
voice in the world, saying
 ‘I do not care what comes after this.’   
In truth, now everyone is shouting:   
‘I do not care what comes after this
and may I have my own will!’

Indeed, mankind does not care about what I did for the sake of love by preaching and suffering for them and by admonishing them through the prophets, and they do not care about what I did in my anger by executing my vengeance upon the evil and disobedient.   

God's Justice against Sodom & Gomorrah
They see that they are mortal and that death can strike them unexpectedly, but they do not care.   They hear and see my justice which I exercised on Pharaoh and on Sodom for the sake of sin, and how I execute vengeance on other kings and rulers, and how I daily allow it to happen through the sword and other afflictions,
but it is as if
they were blind to all these things...
Does This Look Like Jesus is Getting the Praise?

And for this reason they fly like bumblebees wherever they desire, and sometimes they fly as if they were jumping and running, for they exalt themselves in their pride, but they come down quickly by returning to their lust and gluttony.  

"It's all about me"

They also gather sweetness for themselves from the earth, for man works and gathers for the needs of the body and not for the soul, and for worldly honor but not the eternal.
They transform the temporal things
into a suffering for themselves,
and what is useless,
into eternal torment.

for the sake
of the prayers
of My Mother,
I will send my clear voice to these bumblebees, from which my friends are excluded (for they are in the world only in body),
and it shall preach mercy.
 If they will listen to it,
they will be saved."

Read more of St. Bridgett's Prophecies and Revelations yourself.. there is 656 pages of words from Our Lord and Our Lady--as well as Saints and Angels... these words MUST BE SHARED WITH EVERYONE... download and read

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