Saturday 29 November 2014

Queen of Heaven, Mother of God St. Bridgett Revelations & Prophesies

The Queen Of Heaven,

Mother Of God
Unstained From Sin

St. Bridgett’s Revelations
And Prophecies


The bride of God saw
the Queen of Heaven,
the Mother of God,
wearing a priceless
and beautiful crown
on her head
and her wonderfully
shining and indescribably
beautiful hair hanging
down over her shoulders,
with a golden tunic shining with
an indescribable light,
and a blue mantle of the
color azure or a clear sky.
When the bride of God, Saint Bridget,
was full of wonder at such a lovely sight, and in her wonderment was standing there totally enraptured and amazed, then blessed John the Baptist appeared to her and said:
“Listen closely to what all this signifies.
The crown signifies that she is the Queen and Lady and Mother of the King of angels;
the hair hanging down signifies that she is an unstained and pure virgin;
the sky colored mantle signifies that all worldly things were as dead in her heart and will;
the golden tunic signifies that she was fervent and burning in the love of God, both inwardly and outwardly.
Her Son, Jesus Christ,
placed seven lilies in her crown,
and between the lilies he placed seven gems.

The first lily
is her humility;
the second lily
is her fear;
the third,
her obedience;
the fourth,
her patience;
the fifth,
her steadfastness;
the sixth,
her kindness,
for she is kind and gives to all who beg of her with love and a will to amend;

the seventh,
her mercy in difficulties,
for in whatever difficulty a man may be in, if he calls on her with all his heart, he will receive mercy and help from her because she is full of compassion and mercy.
Between these shining lilies
her Son placed
seven precious gem stones.

The first gem is her incomparable virtue,
for there is no virtue in any other spirit or in any other body, which she does not have in a higher fashion.
The second gem is her perfect purity, for the Queen of the kingdom of Heaven was so pure that from her first entrance into the world up to the final day of her death, not a single stain of sin was ever to be found in her; and none of all the devils could ever find enough impurity in her to fit on the head of a needle-point. She was truly the most pure, for it was not fitting for the King of glory to lie in any vessel but the purest, chosen before all angels and men and more pure than they.
The third gem was her beauty, for God is praised constantly by his saints for his Mother’s beauty, and all the holy angels and holy souls are filled with joy over her beauty.
The fourth precious gem in the crown is the Virgin Mother’s wisdom, for she is filled with all divine wisdom in God and all wisdom is fulfilled and perfected through her.
The fifth gem is her power and might, for she is so powerful and strong with God in her that she can subdue anything that has been created.
The sixth gem is her clarity, for she shines so clear that she even illuminates the angels, whose eyes are clearer than light, and the devils do not dare to look upon her clarity.
The seventh gem is the fullness of every delight and joy and all spiritual sweetness, for her fullness is such that there is no joy that she does not increase, no delight that is not made fuller and more perfect by her and through the blessed vision of her, for she is filled with grace and mercy above all the holy saints.
She is the most pure vessel
in which the Bread of angels laid
and in which all sweetness
and all beauty is found….
Therefore may you,
her Son’s bride,
honor and praise her
with all your heart,
for she is in truth worthy
of all praise
and all honor with her Son!”
May it also be said of us
let us honor & praise her forever!!!
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death!
Read St. Bridgett's Revelations & Prophesies @


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