Wednesday 13 January 2016

Catholic Congressman Walks Out on Obama

Catholic Congressman Walks Out on Obama

Catholic Congressman Walks Out on Obama

by Rodney Pelletier  •  •  January 13, 2016    8 Comments

"I will be in the Member's chapel praying for God to raise up a leader whom He will use to restore the Soul of America."

WASHINGTON ( - Representative Steve King of Iowa walked out of President Obama's final State of the Union (SOTU) address last night in protest of Obama's stance on abortion.
Government members are able to reserve seats in the gallery of the Capitol Building for important events like the SOTU address. Obama left the seat next to the First Lady open to commemorate victims of gun violence, "who no longer have a voice — because they need the rest of us to speak for them." Many comment it's a political ploy to prop up a presidency that even many liberal democrats say has been a disaster.
The White House announced last week the seat would be left empty
[t]o support the Americans whose lives have been forever changed by the terrible ripple effect of gun violence — survivors who've had to learn to live with a disability, or without the love of their life. To remind every single one of our representatives that it's their responsibility to do something about this.
Congressman King considers Obama's concern for human life disingenuous, saying:
He is the most pro-abortion president ever. The San Bernardino victims' body temperatures had declined only from 98.6 to 93 degrees Farenheit when Obama twisted the "Allahu Akbar" screaming bloodlust into an anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment tirade. I am sickened by the acts of war twisted into "workplace violence" and by a president who would veto the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, H.R. 3504, that would protect the lives, at least of those who survived the attempt on their lives, by abortionists.
Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) reached out to Rep. King's office, which confirmed that King left his own gallery seat open during Obama's address "to commemorate the lives of more than 55 million aborted babies, 'the chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world.'"
"My seat on the floor of Congress will also be empty," he continued. "I will be in the Member's chapel praying for God to raise up a leader whom He will use to restore the Soul of America."
King has a 100 percent rating with the National Right to Life Committee in voting for pro-life laws, voting against human embryonic stem cell research and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
Nearly 9 million children have been aborted in the United States since Obama took office. One of the hallmarks of Obama's presidency is his unwavering support for Planned Parenthood; he has several times guaranteed full support, even vetoing the bill passed in both houses last week to defund the abortion giant.
It's a trend, however, that shows even Republicans giving in to the abortion juggernaut. Last month Congress passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill giving Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars.

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