Sunday 28 February 2016

REPENTANCE ALL OF US NEED IT -- Prayer by St. Alphonsus Liguori

St. Alphonsus of Liguori Spoke of Repentance

"God has said that when a sinner repents their sins are so good as forgotten.  Says Ezekiel: None of the crimes he committed shall be remembered against him.

Whenever you fall into a fault immediately raise your eyes to God, make an act of love and confessing your fault you may rest assured pardon.”

A Prayer for Repentance by St. Alphonsus

Say to God –

“Master, the one you love is ill, 
the heart which you love is sick, covered with sores.

Lord, have Mercy on me –
Forgive me, I’ve sinned against you.

You, God, go out in search for sinners, 
here is one at your feet, who has come in search of you.

The evil has been done – what should I do now?

You do not want me to lose confidence in You.  
Even now, after my sin, you wish me only good and 
I love you as well – as my God.

I love you with all my heart and I regret the displeasure 
I have given you.  I resolve never to do so again.

Forgive me – You, Who are God – 
Kind and forgiving, 
most loving to those who call on You.

Let me hear those words 
you said to Mary Magdalene, 
“Your sins are forgiven.”

Give me the strength to be faithful to You in the future.


1 comment:

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