Tuesday 19 July 2016

Prayer of Contrition

Christ Teaching - Sermon on the Mount

Jesus, Forgive me!

O Eternal Word!  
You have spent three-and-thirty years in labors and fatigues; 

You have given Your life and Your blood for man’s salvation; 
in short, You have spared nothing to make men love you; 

and how is it possible that there should be those who know this, and yet do not love You?

O God, amongst these ungrateful ones I also may be numbered!  

I see the wrong I have done You; 
O my Jesus, have pity upon me!  

I offer You this ungrateful heart ungrateful it is true, but penitent.

Yes, I repent of every evil, 
O my dear Redeemer, for having despised You!  

I repent, and I am sorry with my whole heart.  

O my soul, love a God Who is bound like a criminal for you; 

a God scourged like a slave for you; 

a God made a mocking for you;  

a God, in short, dead upon a cross, as the vilest outcast for you!

Yes, My Saviour, let me remember, I beseech You, all that You have suffered for me that I may never more forget to love You!

O cords that bound my Jesus, 
bind me to Jesus; 

thorns that crowned my Jesus, 
pierce me with the love of Jesus;

nails that transfixed my Jesus, 
nail me to the Cross of Jesus  

O blood of Jesus, 
inebriate me with His Holy Love!  

O death of Jesus, 
make me die to every earthly affection!  

Pierced feet of my Lord, 
I embrace you; 

deliver me from hell, which I have deserved; 

my Jesus, in hell I could no more love You, 
and yet I desire to love You always.  

Save me, my dearest Saviour; 
bind me to Yourself, that I may never again lose You.

O Mary, refuge of Sinners, and Mother of my Saviour!  

Help a sinner who wishes to love God, and who recommends himself to you; help me for the love you bear for Jesus Christ.

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