2 Maccabees
Chaplet of
the Holy Souls in Purgatory
This Chaplet
can be prayed on rosary beads.
Begin with:
The Creed
1 Our Father
3 Hail Marys
1 Glory Be -- For the
Pope’s intentions
On the Large
Beads Pray
“O holy
souls draw the fire of God’s Love
into my soul to reveal Jesus crucified in me,
here on earth, rather than hereafter in Purgatory.”
into my soul to reveal Jesus crucified in me,
here on earth, rather than hereafter in Purgatory.”
On the Small
Beads Pray:
Lord Jesus have mercy
on the souls in Purgatory.”
on the souls in Purgatory.”
End by
saying the Glory Be three times
Prayer to Deliver them from Purgatory
My Jesus, by the sorrows
You suffered in Your agony in the Garden,
in Your Scourging and Crowning with thorns,
on the way to Calvary,
in Your Crucifixion and Death,
have mercy on the souls in purgatory,
and especially on those that are most forsaken;
please deliver them
from the terrible torments they endure;
call them and admit them to
Your most Sweet Embrace in paradise.
Prayer on Passing a Cemetery
May God and Mary bless you all,
You were
once as
we are now, and we
we are now, and we
Will be, one
day, like you.
You pray
with us and we pray with you.
May Mary
pray with us both.
And may He
who suffered His Passion
For you,
grant you everlasting rest.
Holy Water and Holy Souls
Holy Water
is to remind us

Sacred Blood of Christ,
by which we are cleansed
from our sins
and when
we bless ourselves,
remember the Holy Souls~
~they can benefit greatly
by sprinkling Holy Water
with the sign of the cross
on their graves
and recite
the prayer:
"By this Holy
and by Thy Precious Blood,
O Lord wash away the sins
of all my dear
brothers and sisters in Purgatory,
in the Name of the Father,
in the Name of the Father,
and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Prayer of Saint Gertrude the Great

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for all sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family.
Each time you say this prayer 1,000 souls are released from purgatory
if you repeated this prayer 10 times a day...
that would be 10,000 souls
you released from Purgatory!!
And in a year 3,650,000 souls!!!
How Wondrous & Infinite is God's Mercy!
You need not pray this alone go to youtube -- and bookmark this page
All prayers listed above may be found on YouTube at the address listed below
Thank you so much , we here in the Philippines we have a community called the Prayer Warriors of rhe Holy Souls,May we be able to help the Holy Souls who are in need of our prayers.God bless us all.