Pope Benedict XVI |
Pope Benedict,
“Gender Theory”
and the Threat to Civilization
Pope Benedict XVI, in his 2012 Christmas address to the
Roman Curia, warned against what is called “Gender theory.” This theory, which coincides with the rise of
homosexuality in society, claims there is no such thing as a God-given
masculine nature or a feminine nature.
Individuals are free to choose and remake their gender.
The acceptance of such theories
not only defies God and
but give rise to the persecution of Christians,
and of anyone who
opposes the pro-homosexual program,
as will be later explained.
Pope Benedict warned regarding gender theory, “According to
this philosophy, gender is no longer a given element of nature that a man has
to accept and personally makes sense of it; [rather] it is a social role that
we choose for ourselves, while in the past it was chosen for us by society.”
In other others, those who promote gender theory falsely
claim there was never any such thing as a masculine nature or a feminine nature
that defines us since conception. Rather
society chose these gender roles for
us. Gender is not something that is
found inside of man as part of his essence, but rather, is imposed from the
outside. We are now at the point where
the individual decides these gender roles for himself.
“The profound falsehood of this theory, and of the
anthropological revolution contained within it
is obvious,” says Benedict. “People dispute the idea that they have a
nature, given by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of
the human being. They deny their nature
and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but they make for
The Pope then appeals to Genesis.
“According to the biblical creation account, being created
by God as male and female pertains to the essence of the human creature. This duality [male and female] is an
essential aspect of what being human is all about, as ordained by God. This very duality as something given is what is now disputed.”
Benedict goes on to lament: “The words of the creation
account: ‘male and female he created them’ (Gen 1:27) no long apply. No, what applies now is this: it was not God
who created them male and female – hitherto society did this, now we decided
for ourselves. Man and woman as created
realities no longer exist. Man calls his
nature into question. From now on he is
merely spirit an will.”
This is a key point.
Truth and reality are no longer centered on man’s nature. Rather, truth and
reality are now centered on man’s will.
If man wills to choose his gender, or act
contrary to his gender, he must be free to do so. Man chooses
his own false “reality”.
Benedict notes there is a general repugnance toward the
misuse of nature when it comes to the world around us, yet many are willing to
believe man may restructure his own nature.
“The manipulation of nature”, he writes, “which we deplore today where the
environment is concerned, now becomes man’s fundamental choice where he himself
is concerned.
From now on there is only
the abstract human being, who chooses for himself what his nature is to
be. Man and woman in their created state
as complementary versions of what it means to be human are disputed.”
Pope Benedict then explains the disastrous effects wrought on the family.
“But if there is no pre-ordained duality of man and woman in
creation, then neither is the family any longer a reality established by
Thus the family as God established, which is father, mother
and children, can also be changed by human will. Man will believe he can define the family any
way he wants: two men and a son, tow women and a canary, three men, three women
(as is already happening,) and almost any other aberration.
Benedict then warns of the consequences regarding
“Likewise, the child has lost
the place
he had occupied hitherto and the dignity
pertaining to him the child
has become an object to which people
have a right and which they have a right
to obtain.”
This is an indirect reference to same-sex couples demanding
the “right” to adopt children.
Pope Benedict then drives home the point: Gender theory is
ultimately a revolt against God and man.
“When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself,
then necessarily the Maker is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his
dignity as a creature of God . . .
When God is denied, human dignity also
The dignity of man is thus “stripped” when transgenderism
becomes an accepted component of society. In the United States and elsewhere,
there are parents who encourage young children to choose their own gender,
encourage boys to adopt girl’s clothes and mannerisms, and vice versa. Our children are also exposed to transgender
men using girls’ bathrooms, and worse.
One of many examples: At Hillsboro High School in Missouri,
early September 2015, a homosexual male student started to wear a wig and
skirt, claimed to be female, called himself “Lila” and insisted on using the
girls’ locker room.
The girls were rightly horrified. Hundreds of students walked out in
protest. The boy’s response was to
accuse these normal girls of bigotry.
“They are claiming that they’re uncomfortable,” said “Lila”
to a local TV station, “I don’t believe for a second that they are. I think this is pure and simple bigotry, I
wasn’t hurting anyone and I didn’t want to feel segregated out.”
Predictably, the politically correct School Administration
sided with the homosexual boy, who eventually dropped gym class, but continues
to use the girl’s bathroom.
Worse, liberals across the United States defend “Lila” and denounce his classmates’ natural reaction.
Columnist Matt Walsh reports that hundreds of pro-homosexual
activists are “organizing a counter protest . . . hoping to finally intimidate
and silence any girl who might have the audacity to defy the transgender
narrative that our culture just invented out of whole cloth about 14 seconds
ago. Indeed, approximately yesterday,
“transgenderism” was a fringe, radical notion way out in the peripherals of
left wing quackery, but now, in the blink of an eye, it is ‘doctrine.’ Yesterday, boys could be expelled for walking
into the girls’ locker room, but now we throw them parades and squeal about
their ‘bravery.’
Pope Benedict’s observation is correct. When we defy nature, the Maker is necessarily
denied, and man too is ultimately “stripped of his dignity as a creature of
The rise of homosexuality and transgenderism disorients
society away from Our Lord Jesus Christ. It also leads to the persecution of
those who want no part of the ever-growing homosexual ascendancy.
Why has this happened?
Primarily due to the fact
that over the past fifty years,
too few of our
Church leaders
clearly reiterated the Divine warnings
against this vice as
expressed in Scripture and Magisterium.
It is rare to hear priests and prelates denounce this vice
as a mortal sin that sends the soul to hell if not repented.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider |
It is rare to hear a prelate speak clearly as does Bishop
Athanasius Schneider, who explained that acceptance of homosexuality “contradicts
directly the words of God, which says that homosexual acts and the homosexual
lifestyle are a grievous offense against the will of God. (cf. Gen 18:20; Lev
18:22;20-13; Is 3:9; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Cor 6:10,
1 Tim 1:10; Jud 7)”
By approving this vice, we open the door to persecution
against Christianity. If homosexual unions,
same-sex marriage and ‘transgenderism’ are declared basic human rights, then
opposing these sins will be considered a crime by modern godless states. Those who hold the truths of Our Lord can be
fined or imprisoned. Already in some
places, quoting the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality is denounced as “hate
In March 2015, Tim Sweeney, a leader in pro-homosexual
grant-making, told U.S. business leaders that he wants to shut down the political
fight for [contra-homosexual] religious freedom exemptions in the U.S. within
three years.
A Catholic News Agency
of public grant listings and tax forms
“has found at least six
foundations and funds
have made grants totaling about $4.8 million
to target
religious freedom,
especially as it is exercised by objectors to gay marriage.”
The pro-homosexual lobby wants Christianity silenced, and
spends millions to crush the Christian’s right to resist the public acceptance
of the sin of Sodom.
This is but a glimpse of the massive anti-Christian
revolution on the rise with recognition of homosexuality as an acceptable
A nation that embraces this vice cannot obtain the blessing
of God, but only His condemnation
The prophet Isaiah writes:
“Woe to those who
all good evil and evil good.” (Isaiah 5:20)
Sacred Scripture likewise threatens fearful punishment on
nations that accept homosexuality. Saint
Peter warned that God “condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to
destruction, reducing them to ashes, thus making an example to those in the
future who should live wickedly.” (2 Peter 2:16)
Could this be a foreshadowing
of the “annihilation of
warned by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917?
Our Lady of Fatima |
Let us oppose the rise of these sins that “cry to Heaven for
vengeance,” pray for the conversion of those trapped in this vice, and live the
Fatima Message of prayer and daily Rosary.
Let us also beg the Pope to consecrate Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, to obtain the
promised period of peace, the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and avert Divine
Article from The Fatima Center, U.S.A. – 17000 State Route
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